Advanced Java Programming

Description: The Advanced Java Programming course will provide participants with the knowledge and hands-on experience needed to develop and deploy robust J2EE (Java 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition) applications. Since many advanced issues such as threading, transaction management, and distributed computing are managed automatically by the server, instruction will focus on building reusable components that implement business logic (content) and user interfaces (presentation). Typically, a J2EE server has multiple containers. The Web Container (which hosts HTML pages, servlets and JSP Pages) and the EJB Container (which hosts Enterprise JavaBean components) will be thoroughly covered in this course. Deployment of applications using the J2EE framework and EJBs will be emphasized, and participants will have ample opportunity to deploy applications that use these technologies. Participants will also gain experience deploying applications across various servers, including WebSphere, Oracle, WebLogic and others, that meet Sun's J2EE specification. Session and entity beans, EJB containers, security, transaction and deployment issues will be discussed in detail, and concepts will be reinforced through hands-on labs. Other topics that will be covered include Java enterprise protocols and services such as JNDI, JTS, JDBC and JMS. Participants will even have a chance to explore some of the most advanced EJB technologies, such as Message-Driven beans and EJB QL. Upon completion of this course, participants will be competent writing and deploying applications that use services available with EJBs and the J2EE framework.

Prerequisites: Java programming experience and an understanding of object-oriented design principles.


Agile Methods Seminar >
Object-Oriented Analysis & Design >
XML Programming >
Beginning Java Programming >

Copyright 2002 Marbles, Inc., 4310 Tonkawood Rd., Minnetonka, MN 55345, 877-267-0777